Isn't she divine? For reasons I can't explain, I just adore it. The colours, the contrast, it's wonderful!
And then I found out that this is not an authentic 18th century gown, but rather a costume made for Gladys George in MGMs 1938 production of Marie Antoinette. I like my historical references to be historial, damnit! But what the costumer wants, the costumer must have. I asked Laura, much more experienced with 18th century clothing than I, to look it over, and she determined that with some recutting of seams to match period dresses, and I'll be good to go. So the dress plan is back on. I'm picturing a black velvet overdress, I might even have enough already in my stash, and a black satin underskirt. And all that embellishment.... I'm going to need to work up to that.
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