Because, really, who can endure a three hour boat trip without something to work on? The something for me was the start of a pair of red woollen socks, made to a just post period pattern.

I travelled this year via Holyhead, and made a trip into Abakhan for their fabric bargains. Alas, it was not a good season for linen or wool, but I picked up a piece of printed knit and some satin back dupion, which are currently whispering to me of Edwardian and Victorian visions.The printed knit is a much richer, darker emerald than the picture shows, it's just quite difficult to get it to show up properly.

The first full day of Raglan saw my hat class, of which I had two very dedicated students... even if one kept trying to put the cut fabric on his head and declare the job a good one.

The first class I attended was Short Mead in Two Parts by Asbiorn inn Eyverski, with the product of the class being drunk at the Raglan farewell on Sunday night. Quite tasty it was too. I think the rose petals did come through a little, though maybe that was my imagination; my taste buds are not that well refined on non-chocolately substances.

Tuesday's class was Njalbinding in the Roman style by Mistress Rogned Steingrimovna. My brain quickly interpreted this as so similar to a detached buttonhole stitch, one of my favourite embroidery stitches, that I found myself tearing away at it and am now contemplating making a pair of socks for an upcoming event.

Wednesday's class was Crewelwork Embroidery 101, taught by Baronessa Lucrezia-Isabella di Freccia. I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed this one. I often find it hard to get embroidery projects to click, but I had the sampler of this done in only two days. I missed the Baronessa's gold-work class, but I purchased a kit from her later in the week to enjoy at home.

Thursday was another quiet day, which allowed me to finish my personalisation of the cushion I'd been gifted with for my savonarola. I used a couple of different colours of cheap cotton yarn, as this was my first attempt at tassels, and I'm quite pleased with how they turned out... until someone pointed out that the lion head mouths on the arms are drilled through, so I really should make another two to hang there...
Friday morning I gave my Viking Wire Weaving lesson to a full class, and managed to miss Catherine Weaver's tablet-weaving class yet again.
However, to top off a week of A&S, I found myself interrupted at the MOAS meeting, by a summons from her highness. Court was begun before I was dismissed so I waited, confused, until I was summoned by the herald to receive my Order of the Silver Marlet, the principality A&S award. The calligraphy and illumination were done by Órlaith, the images based on a 16th century Venetian panegyric - but I shall leave it to Órlaith to give you all the detail, while I admire the token, the bell, already sewn into place on my saccoccia.
Saturday was taken up in its entirety by the Coronet Tourney, meetings, more meetings, and an almost missed Investiture Court, as the heat became a little too much for me. But I returned to the court in time to see the granting of the premier Order of Luna to a very, very deserving lady, and to take my oath to the new Prince and Princess as an officer of Insulae Draconis.
There were other random bits of A&S during the week, though perhaps not period appropriate. A gift of fabric from the most wonderful of champions (which, given that she's now gifted me with this *and* poetry, means I really need to get into gear to make her a favour). A 19th century knitting pattern book which will have to come along to my next Irish Historical Costumers meet up for perusal. And my own little ceramic pot, one of which was gifted to all of the teachers at Raglan, and was my great honour to deliver them to each one.
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